Aging Gracefully: Part II

Aging well is dependent on strong circulation of the qi and blood.

Making health decisions that support extending enjoyment in life, becomes a priority as the years go by. But instead of deciding what supplements or pills our bodies can take to decrease aging, let’s consider a more holistic approach where we can gently nudge our body to increase longevity, naturally. 

Living consciously, embracing natural foods while rejecting artificial foods and other destructive habits can all help us achieve the longevity we need to live a longer, healthier life. 

In this blog, we will cover a holistic approach to aging gracefully. To be precise, we will delve into why qi and blood is crucial as we age, talk about several common symptoms we see in TCM and how to fight them, before finishing with 10 holistic ways you can reduce stress and ultimately increase your life span.  

Let’s dive in. 

Decreased Blood Flow & Aging

Our bodies require healthy amounts of energy, blood and body fluid to provide nutrition to our bodily systems. Long-term deficiency in the kidneys and spleen can cause a lack of nutrition which can contribute to aging. As you age blood circulation naturally decreases, this can have an impact on cellular oxygenation and eventually cause cell death. Modern research is pointing towards concerns with microcirculation and the decrease in your microvessels, the smallest blood cells, in the microvascular system and organ tissue.

In TCM, poor circulation weakens the transportation and movement of qi and blood (you can read more about qi and blood in the blog post here). By decreasing the movement of qi and blood your body can start to have stagnation which can eventually disruption in the nerves of the body; such as the endocrine system, immune system, metabolic system and internal organs. 

TCM Theories of Aging Include the Following Patterns:

Kidney Qi Deficiency Symptoms:

May include backache, frequent urination, urination at night, reproductive health concerns, diminished hearing, dizziness, tinnitus, and tiredness. 

Treatment for Kidney Qi Deficiency:

Dietary changes include eating foods that are known to nourish and strengthen the kidneys, dark foods such as kidney beans, black beans, black sesame seeds, seaweed and bone broth. Herbal remedies may include ginseng, rehmannia, astragalus, and schisandra. These herbs help to tonify Kidney Qi and Jing. Acupuncture and moxibustion can also be used to stimulate the kidney meridian and boost Qi flow.

Spleen/Stomach Deficiency Symptoms:

May include poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, and loose stools. 

Treatment for Spleen/Stomach Deficiency:

Dietary changes should focus on strengthening the spleen and stomach. This includes eating foods such as sweet potatoes, winter melon, adzuki beans, mung beans, rice, and oatmeal. Herbal remedies may include astragalus, orange peel, ginseng, dried ginger root, and licorice. Acupuncture is also used to stimulate the spleen meridian and promote qi flow.

Blood Stagnation Symptoms:

May include purple spots underneath the skin, numbness in the limbs, cold hands and feet, varicose veins, headaches, sharp pain, menstrual clots, and a darker complexion. 

Treatment for Blood Stagnation:

Dietary changes should focus on promoting the circulation of qi and blood. Natural whole foods such as garlic, ginger, tangerine peel, dates, and celery are beneficial for blood flow. Herbal remedies may include red peony root, frankincense, eucommia bark, and notoginseng. Acupuncture is also used to open the channels, promote circulation of qi and blood, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain.

10 Ways to Reduce Stress

One of the modern-day levers for stagnation is stress. As mentioned above, our body's blood cells naturally decrease circulation as we age, combine this with years of working in a stressful environment and you will likely have accelerated this process. To reduce this process try cultivating ongoing happiness and the feeling of inner safety. Here is a list of simple things you can due to reduce stress:

  1. We tend to speed up through life and forget to notice the little things that bring us happiness; try to slow down and be grateful for the little things.  Enjoy the things that make your life meaningful and participate in activities that give you a sense of purpose.

  2. Speak your love language to yourself.  Nourish your brain with intellectual stimulation such as podcasts, audiobooks, journaling and self-reflection. Whether this enjoyment comes from family or friends, taking informal courses, or taking up a new craft; learning will keep you enthusiastic about the world around you. 

  3. Giving back to others is a huge part of cultivating ongoing happiness. Take your eyes off yourself and serve others. Giving is part of us and it will help to create happiness within you. For centuries, we have taken care of each other, seeking our tribe. Continue to help others and this will ground you and allow you to connect within. Without meaningful relationships, we feel lonely and isolated.

  4. Many people enjoy doing volunteer work in their free time. Spend time at a senior's home or helping someone you know with small children, trust me, they could always use a hand.

  5. Take two minutes at the start of your day and think about three things that you are grateful for.  Life is full of ups and downs; if we try to see where the lesson lies in unfortunate situations, we can take the time to reflect on the positives that came out of inevitable downs.  Celebrate the little victories along the way as they are the catalyst for more positive aspects in your life. 

  6. Keep a gratitude journal where you can write down a few things you are grateful for at the end of each day.  Start your day by looking for one good thing each morning that you can help set your intention with and you will surely see there are multiple beautiful moments throughout each day.  It can be as little as the sun shining, helping an elderly cross the road, a stranger smiling at you, etc. When we seek positives throughout our day, we inevitably view our world as a brighter place full of blessings.  This helps us sleep with more serenity and wake up with more excitement for the day ahead. 

  7. We speak on the importance of mindfulness in practice and it is a powerful way to get rid of judgment.  This allows you to recognize your body’s natural energy to accept and be present. Through mindfulness, you can learn to find peace and acceptance in yourself.

  8. Unplug from technology and go for a walk. Mother nature helps us cultivate ongoing happiness. Spend time in nature without the use of technology. Try forest bathing, here is a link for you Vancouverites with 5 top spots.

  9. Do not compare yourself with others. Comparison can be your worst enemy.  We live in a world of social media which can cause negative emotions when viewing other people’s happy events. Remember that everyone’s journey is different and most of the time people don't post the sad and ugly parts of life, it is the highlight reel of the best things that have been done or seen that day. Be thankful for what you have and be excited for what is yet to come.  

  10. Have a regular health care routine which incorporates acupuncture, registered massage therapy, and osteopathy, as this will help speed up the process of self-healing and self-love.

Other lifestyle modifications include proper hydration, nutrition, regular exercise and restful sleep. To learn more about these check out the original blog Top 5 Ways to Age Gracefully. By picking two or three of these recommendations, you can help slow down the degenerative process of aging, or at least be happier while you age.