Micro-Needling: The Ultimate Guide to Younger, Healthier Skin

Looking for a way to achieve healthier, more youthful skin? Micro-needling might be just what you're looking for!

This treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into the skin in order to promote collagen production and renewal of skin cells. In this guide, we'll discuss everything you need to know about micro-needling, from what it is to the benefits it can provide, after-care procedures and more.

So if you're considering this treatment, read on for all the information you need!

What is micro-needling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device to create tiny punctures in the skin. Microneedling is often used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. The procedure may also help to shrink pores, reduce sun damage, and fight stretch marks. Microneedling can be performed on various parts of the body.

The procedure is usually performed by a licensed practitioner or doctor and is considered safe for most people as it's well tolerated and has fewer side effects than laser resurfacing or intense chemical peels. It may cause temporary redness, swelling, and bruising but these side effects typically resolve within a few days. Microneedling can be performed every 4 to 6 weeks until desired results are achieved.

Please note that this procedure may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions so reach out to our team if you have any specific health concerns before booking an appointment.

Microneedling Downtown Vancouver BC

Does micro-needling hurt?

Everyone has different pain levels, and this procedure does involve puncturing the skin with tiny needles, so you may feel some pinching and ‘pricking’ type of sensation on the skin. However, with the new technology and our beautiful machine, the treatment is minimally invasive and keeps the pain to a minimum.  You shouldn't feel high levels of discomfort, if you do please let our practitioner know and they can reduce the setting if need be.

There are different philosophies around micro-needling and while some clinics they may choose to puncture the skin using deeper needle insertions causing redness and bleeding, a more invasive treatment does not necessarily mean better results. These clinics will often require a numbing cream before the treatment. At Unplug Hour we do not use numbing creams of any kind, which reflects our gentle approach regarding the intensity of the treatment. Our goal is to make the experience relaxing and comfortable for you without causing adverse skin reactions, complications or any additional pain while still achieving amazing results.

Why deeper isn't always better?

There are different layers of the skin and to increase collagen and elasticity we do not need to go very deep to cause bleeding to create this benefit. If excessive bleeding results that means we are creating excessive amounts of trauma to the delicate skin and it can further cause hyperpigmentation. This is why it is important to be receiving microneedling from experts who have been trained to do these procedures.

The concept of microneedling is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and dates back thousands of years ago. Our practitioners have a thorough understanding of the body and have studied for many years the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and methods of microneedling. This enhances your treatment as they look at the whole body and use appropriate acupuncture points to further optimize your skin.


Not only does microneedling naturally stimulate collagen production, but it also amplifies the effects of any serums or skincare products you use afterwards. That’s because the tiny needle punctures create micro-channels in your skin that enable deeper product absorption. Keep in mind that not every type of serum will work well with a microneedling device - some might even cause irritation or hinder the healing process.

We apply a hydrating serum to the area you wish to treat prior to using a microneedling pen. A few minutes after the treatment, we use a nourishing face mask with hydrating properties to moisturize your skin, help it heal more quickly, and alleviate any tightness or discomfort you may feel.

What to look for in a good hydrating serum?

1) Hylaronic Acid

Ingredients like hyaluronic acid are often added to moisturizers and other types of skincare products in order to improve their efficacy. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule composed of sugars that the body produces naturally. It acts as a lubricant and cushion for connective tissues. Adding more hyaluronic acid to the skin topically can help it attract and bind with more water molecules, resulting in visibly plumper, hydrated skin.

However, as an individual ages and comes into contact with environmental factors, the levels of hyaluronic acid in their body declines. On a positive note, there are moisturizers, serums, and other skincare products that can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore youthful looking skin by increasing levels of hyaluronic acid.

2) Ceramides

Ceramides are lipids (fats) that naturally occur in high concentrations in the uppermost layers of skin. They play a vital role in determining how your skin looks (and how it responds to environmental threats). As we age and our skin becomes damaged by the sun, our natural ceramides become less effective and may eventually be depleted. This weakening of the skin's barrier can lead to a number of problems such as dryness, roughness, wrinkles, irritation, redness, and visible signs of dehydration. Ceramides work by creating a barrier on your skin that prevents moisture from escaping and protects against dirt, pollution, and other environmental stressors. Phytosphingosine and sphingolipids are two substances that actually help skin create more ceramides.

3) Peptides

Peptides are naturally occurring in the body and also found in skin care products. Collagen is made with the addition of 3 polypeptides therefore with the addition of peptides to your skin care routine, it can stimulate your skin to produce collagen which can lead to firmer skin, improved skin barrier, and reduced wrinkles and fine lines.

How many treatments would I need before I see results?

The treatment frequency will be dependent on your specific health goals and concerns. Our practitioners will discuss further with you during your consultation appointment and build a treatment plan that works best for you. Typically with microneedling, results are not seen until 4-6 weeks after your first treatment as it takes time for your body to heal the micro-wounds and for skin cells to rise to the surface.

Best Microneedling Vancouver

10 Steps for Microneedling After Care With Us

  1. Redness will be present for 8-12 hours after your microneedling treatment.

  2. Aloe vera can be used to help reduce the redness. 

  3. Avoid touching the face as much as possible.

  4. No sweating for 24 hours after your treatment as it can irritate your skin.

  5. No steam saunas, hot tubs or excessive exercise or work outs for 48 hours.

  6. No skin exfoliants (chemical or physical) or scrubs for 5-10 days after treatment.

  7. Stay out of the sun the day you receive your microneedling treatment. We recommend to use a mineral sunscreen for a week after your treatment if sunny. This can be picked up from our us.

  8. No makeup after microneedling till the next day. 

  9. Change pillow case. Keep the treatment area as clean as possible. 

  10. Use hyaluronic acid or our in house serum after your treatment if you feel dry. Apply before bed after your microneedling treatment.

Be sure to book with a trained professional when receiving microneedling treatments as unprofessional environments can lead to unintended skin complications and unsafe treatments.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out via phone or email, or you can check out our frequently asked questions on our microneedling page.

We are here to help and support your journey towards healthier, glowing skin!