13 Fall Wellness Tips

The Fall season is upon us, and as the leaves are beginning to descend it is a good time to add foods with the energy of downward movement. During this season we need to tend to our mood within ourselves to prevent winter gloominess. This is the season of moving inward and starting to retreat. 

In this piece, we shall be considering 13 nutritional and wellness tips you can adopt this autumn to save you from falling headlong into some common health problems people deal with. These autumn wellness tips are rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine theories.

Grab a cup of warm tea, get cozy, and enjoy this read.

Autumn and Traditional Chinese Medicine Wisdom

Autumn is the time to unwind from the summer and prepare for the winter.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the different energetic understanding of flavors is key to understanding the different seasons. 

Sour taste can strengthen the liver and help us gather and store our Qi for the months to come, pungent will allow circulation, salty will allow energy to move down/ in and lastly bitter to direct energy lower into the body to connect with our kidney energy to conserve for the cold months ahead.

Aromatic spices and herbs help keep our Qi in and stimulated to promote circulation of qi and blood, especially to our heart to keep us uplifted towards winter. Spices and herbs such as fennel, rosemary, and cinnamon would be beneficial to help keep our qi moving.

Keep reading for more nutrition tips and wellness habits you can adopt to help you feel energized, happy, and ready to take up the colder months.

13 Autumn wellness tips rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine


1. Embrace hearty natural foods 

The harvest in autumn comprises many options you could enjoy and they come with numerous properties your body needs to function adequately. 

Cooking with less water at lower temperatures for a longer period increases our gift to focus during this season. Cooking methods such as stewed, stir-fried, and baked during this season are preferred.

Some veggies and fruits you can include in your diet are:

Apples: These crunchy fruits are at their best in autumn. Interestingly, there are over a hundred varieties of apples, and many are regarded as regional favorites. In Vancouver, you might fancy getting yourself a few Red and Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, McIntosh, and Spartan apples. 

All apples are rich in antioxidants which help prevent cancer, as well as fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Broccoli: Nothing beats having an active and functional immune system, and this green beauty helps in that regard! Packed with vitamin C, make sure to have this one on your dinner plate.

Cranberries: This fruit is considered to be a superfood, given the nutrients and antioxidant properties it possesses. Numerous researches indicate that it tends to lower the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), preventing specific types of cancer, boosting your immunity, and reducing blood pressure. 

Brussels Sprouts: This veggie is loaded with folacin, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and lots more. It is one of the foods that will make you feel full for a long while. Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber and antioxidants, making them immune-building food. 

Pear: This unique fruit contains vitamin C, vitamin K, antioxidants, and copper. These properties are instrumental in neutralizing the effects of free radicals in the body. Thus, you might want to take lots of this fruit this autumn to stay loaded with such nutrients. 

Kale: This veggie is considered “the queen of greens”, and for good reason. It is nutrition-dense and contains vitamin C, vitamin K, antioxidants, and many other cancer-fighting properties that will boost your health in the long term. Fancy a kale smoothie? Go for it! 

Spinach: This veggie contains vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and vitamin E. These leafy greens help boost our immunity, curb hunger and promote healthy bones. So much so that a three-cup portion provides over 300% of the daily need for bone-supporting vitamin K.

Butternut Squash: This starchy vegetable is rich in potassium and helps keep blood pressure within its needed limits. And when you manage your blood pressure, you are decreasing the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It is also anti-inflammatory. 

Water: This one goes without saying! As the weather begins to cool down we might find ourselves reaching less for that glass of water. But remember, thirsty or not, staying hydrated comes with numerous benefits. It aids digestion, aids the functionality of many organs in the body, and it keeps you feeling fresh and energized.

2. Get adequate sleep 

This rule goes no matter what time of the year it is. Getting enough sleep is not a luxury, it is a must. A good night's sleep helps in restoring and repairing the body. 

Need some help to wind down and drift away to dreamland? Try these:

  • Ensure every electronic appliance or equipment is turned off completely at least 2 hours before bedtime. 

  • Have a warm bath before bed

  • Try reading or listening to a sleeping app.

  • Try eating almonds (yes, that’s right!). Almonds produce sleep hormones called melatonin. This will help you sleep faster

  • Try meditating a few minutes before bedtime. This helps relax your mind and body and prepares you for deep sleep.

3. Have good hygiene

As the popular saying goes, “cleanliness is next to godliness.” 

Hygiene is another essential factor that determines our health status. A neat environment helps keep future health complications at bay. 

During the day we come into contact with more things than you might realize. From petting the do to touching doorknobs and public stair railings, our hands are dirtier than we think they are. Something as simple as washing your hands with soap before handling food can dramatically lower our risks of catching viruses or bacteria.

You could also use this opportunity to take out things you do not need anymore. Decluttering is a way to go as the old goes out, making space for the new. Not only does that free space in your place, but also your mind, leaving you feeling lighter, chirpier, and more peaceful.

4. Workout before going to actual work

Yes, timing matters! 

Moving your workout routines to the morning comes with a plethora of benefits. Research indicates that having more exposure to the early morning sun can help regulate your body fat and appetite

Further research also indicates about 45 minutes of an early-morning workout session lessens the craving for sweet foods. Seems the secret to disciplining your sweet tooth, and cutting down on your sugar level is finally out!

5. Indulge in healthy comfort food

We all love comfort food. But if we are not careful, we can easily end up consuming too much fat, oil, salt, and sugar disguised as our grandma’s specialty. Make sure to check the recipe and be careful with your doses.

Satisfying your sweet tooth doesn’t have to be to your detriment. You could still comfort eat with healthier options containing natural foods and fruits. For example, trade cream, custard, and chocolate filling with mouth-watering spiced-up fruits like apples, pineapples, and bananas.

Consider an air fryer if you are a deep-fried snack person. Trade ketchup for some freshly-made salsa. There are so many ways you can feel satisfied without compromising your health.

6. Surround yourself with loved ones

Inge Ginsberg, a holocaust survivor, lived a long happy life and passed away at 99. What kept her going? Surrounding herself with loved ones.

If you want to stay healthy and upbeat, make sure to take the time to meet your friends and family, no matter how busy life gets. Organize a night-out, invite people over for dinner or simply grab a coffee in your local cafe. All these help you destress and bond over good and bad times, life hurdles, and confronting situations.

As the warmth seeps away and the cooler temperatures settle in, you might start feeling the blues. Don’t hesitate to call a friend when that happens.

7. Don’t forget to detox

While you declutter your surroundings, declutter your body. This will make you healthier, more alert, and high vibe.

There are many ways you can detox your body. The simplest place to start is your diet. This blog post provides plenty of guidance around natural and healthy foods to incorporate into your eating habits. Make sure to also drink plenty of fluids. Soups and teas are great, but water is the most important fluid you can consume.

And if you want to take it a step further and experience true relaxation and relief, how about trying out acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern medicine technique that gently helps your body to self-heal. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that the body holds the power to heal itself, once put in the right environment. Acupuncture helps you find that environment and balance. 

8. Avoid being sedentary

Become more aware of your daily movements. You can use a fitness app on your phone or your smartwatch to track how active you are daily. And autumn is a great time to move your body more as it's not too hot or cold. We recommend at least 30 minutes of daily activity.

According to the American Heart Association, taking brisk walks helps in lowering blood pressure, keeping cholesterol levels in check, and lessening the risk of developing illnesses like diabetes. 

So, no more excuses. Lace-up, and go for a fall walk. You can invite your partner or friend to join in. Or take your dog along. But, many times, it is an opportunity to enjoy some alone time, to tune into your body and your mind, and do some self-reflecting. 

9. Take a vacation

Studies indicate that finding time to go on a vacation plays a role in staying happy and healthy. It is also a way to get one of the loveliest emotional returns for your money. 

Don’t overthink your next vacation. Simply find a new place that’s within your financial budget and go ahead. There are always wonderful things to discover wherever we go. 

It might be wise to get away from the busyness of city life as well and reconnect with nature. Take a walk by a river and enjoy watching the water flow. Admire the sun rays through the trees. Smell the flowers. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that give us peace of mind.


10. Go “forest bathing”

According to Health Harvard Publishing, up-and-down gravity movements on mountains and hills improve your cardiac system, bones, and muscle strength. 

Also, science shows that being exposed to nature helps you in dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress. 

We’ve already said this but there are so many reasons you should spend more time outside!

11. “Eat in”

But by that, we don’t actually mean eating inside a restaurant.

Eating out too often can be quite detrimental to your health. The risks of eating food that is cooked in unhygienic conditions and consuming low-quality ingredients are higher than you think. 

By cooking your food, you can ensure that you are only using the best quality natural foods for you and your loved ones. And that you are exercising good hygiene. So take some time to plan your meals for the week and get excited about it! 

12. Load up on healthy protein

Include proteins in every meal. This helps you feel fuller longer and helps repair your cells and tissues. 

Not only do you feel fuller, but you also feel more satisfied. That’s right - protein has been shown to make people feel higher satisfaction and prevents snacking between meals. To get more protein, load up on lean meat like beef or chicken. For vegans, plenty of nuts and pulses will do the trick.

13. Have a hot cup of tea

The cooler weather demands a hot cup of chamomile tea. But you don’t need to limit yourself to the classic selection you find in the supermarkets when it comes to tea.

Explore the world of Chinese herbal teas that not only warm up your body and soul but also offer incredible benefits like:

  • Eliminating toxins from the body

  • Helping weight loss

  • Helping prevent heart disease

  • Improving muscle endurance

  • Regulating blood sugars

  • Strengthening your gums and teeth

  • Improving digestion

Our favorite teas for autumn are lemon, rosehip, kombucha, bitter melon, chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, fennel, warm apple cider, and cardamon. 

Make the most of autumn with healthy habits

Autumn is a beautiful month. And it can be made even more beautiful with this nutrition and wellness tips we provided to you today. You can use autumn to prepare yourself for the winter. And if you want tips for those colder months, head over to our Winter Wellness Tips blog post next. 

We hope you enjoyed this read. If you are located in Vancouver (or passing by) we would love to meet you and tell you all about our acupuncture and wellness services. Our mission is to help more people achieve optimal health, the natural way. 

Take care and stay healthy!
